Could electric motors drive AC generators?

If you go back to the days of Edison and Tesla as an electrical engineer, the above five transformations of electricity can almost drive you crazy. At that time, if a tungsten lamp with a rated voltage of 220V was designed, it would probably not be lit at all, because the voltage source of 220V could not be found at all.

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There were motor-driven generators in the past. but after pointing out the “electronic mechanics.” it burned a lot. But before this crucial technology, it was not uncommon for a motor to drive a generator.

Although colossal energy consumption, inefficiency. one million shortcomings. but to solve the problem, engineers often ignore this terrible problem. called power exchange.

What is “power exchanges”?

1. DC motor drives direct generator-boost and step down DC voltage “chopping.”

2. DC motor drives alternator-turns a direct current into an alternating current “inverter”.

3. Ac motor drives DC generator-turns an alternating current into a direct current “rectifier.”

4. The AC motor drives the alternator-the alternating current boosted and bounced. or the frequency changed, the former “variable voltage” and the latter “frequency conversion.”

If back to the days of Edison and Tesla as an electrical engineer. the above five transformations of electricity can almost drive you crazy. At that time, if designed tungsten lamp with 220V. it would not be lit at all because the voltage source of 220V could not found at all.

So the earliest experiments carried out in a very funny way-if direct current needed. A battery uses to string out the voltage. If not enough power, then in parallel. if the alternating current required. find a generator that can generate a higher voltage. Then divide the voltage with a resistor.

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Hey all, I'm Baymax Yan, working at a generator manufacturer and Having more than 15 years of experience in this field, and I belives that “learn and lives.” The sure thing is that I can often help my work. So I have created the blog to share all my knowledge with you. Hope my sharing helps!

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